Our Vision and Mission

Win souls for the Kingdom of God
Teach, inspire and motivate people to become Disciples of Christ
Engage in programmes that enable people to fulfil their purpose
By having a church that seeks to fulfil the spiritual need of men by giving precedence to Prayer, Worship and the Teaching and Preaching of the Word of God
Investing in programmes that focus on bringing men and women into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
By identifying the needs of people in the local community and actively engaging with and working with the community to try and meet those needs
By motivating and encouraging young people to pursue a good education and to seek training and development that will enhance their God-given gifts and potential and enable them to fulfil their purpose whilst positively impacting their community
By engaging in church planting locally, nationally and internationally as inspired and instructed by the Holy Spirit
By having in place an effective leadership structure and efficient administration that supports the smooth running of the church and maintains an environment where its members can thrive and grow both spiritually and temporally